Google Tag Manager Consultant

Enhance Your Data Analysis and Drive Sales with a Google Tag Manager Consultant

Michael Acland King

Are you a business owner or digital marketing leader looking to elevate your data analysis strategy with expert guidance? As a seasoned Google Tag Manager Consultant, I am here to help you navigate the complexities of data management and drive your business forward.

Managing digital data can be overwhelming. Tagging, extracting, storing, and visualizing data are skills crucial for gathering insights that guide business decisions, track progress, and benchmark against industry standards. I can help you optimize Google Tag Manager so you can focus on leveraging your data for growth.

Every business has distinct objectives and challenges. When you consult with me, I assess your specific needs and tailor my approach to ensure your data tracking aligns with your vision for online success. Whether you have a fully configured GTM setup or are just starting with your first Google Tag Manager instance, I provide the support you need to thrive.

My role extends beyond teaching you how to retrieve data. I aim to empower you to derive actionable insights and integrate them into a robust data strategy. This approach not only addresses immediate analytical challenges but also enhances your long-term strategic decision-making, ensuring sustainable growth and success.


What you will learn from a free consultation

  • How to implement a tracking strategy for your business growth.
  • How to analyze your tagging strategy for ongoing success.
  • My approach for tackling some of your unique Google Tag Manager challenges.
  • How I might improve your marketing efforts with my strategic tagging strategy.
  • What a working with me looks like.

What you can expect from working with me

  • In-depth data analyses, audits and actionable optimisation roadmaps.
  • Campaign optimisation for efficiency and increased sales.
  • Detailed reporting and data analysis for informed decision-making.
  • Continuous testing to stay ahead of trends and competitors.
  • Mentorship for your team or agency partners.
  • Results-Driven, clear communication, diverse Experience, professional.

My Expert Google Tag Manager Consulting Can Help You

  • Account Setup & Migration – Tailored tracking solutions designed to meet your specific needs, from basic analytics to advanced event tracking via Google Tag Manager.
  • Google Tag Manager Audits – Comprehensive reviews of your current Google Tag Manager setup to identify improvement opportunities and areas needing additional support.
  • Optimization – Expertise in optimizing GTM for page speed, simplified process and management.
    • A clear project plan outlining expectations, deliverables, and outcomes.
    • Discovery meetings to align with your business objectives.
    • An in-depth audit of your Google Tag Manager setup and usage.
    • Troubleshooting to resolve data quality issues.
    • Detailed auditing with actionable insights for improving your Google Tag Manager setup.
  • Advanced Custom Tracking Solutions – Tailored data collection for specific user interactions and complex journeys, ensuring accurate capture of critical touchpoints.
  • Ecommerce Tracking – Capture detailed data on transactions, product performance, and customer behavior.
  • Advanced User ID Tracking and Behavior Analysis – Link user sessions across devices and develop a comprehensive view of individual journeys. Reveal behavior patterns, preferences, and develop personalized marketing strategies and improved user experience.
  • Reporting and Dashboard Building – Custom reports and dashboards tailored to highlight key data points, simplifying Google Analytics usage and improving decision-making processes.

Why you should work with me

  • Results-Driven: Together we’ll craft strategies that exceed your marketing objectives.
  • Clear Communication: I’m pride myself on keeping everyone informed, aligned and projects moving swiftly.
  • Diverse Experience: Expertise across B2B, B2C, Ecom, Lead Gen and SaaS.
  • Professionalism: 15+ years of industry excellence.

Advanced Tracking Implementation for

Unlock Business Insights: Advanced Analytics Implementation with GA4 and Tableau Reporting –, a web platform for social media influencers to earn commissions, required advanced analytics to enhance user engagement and platform optimization. We integrated Google Tag Manager for efficient tag management, Google Analytics 4 for a unified view of user interactions, and Tableau for dynamic reporting. This setup enabled detailed tracking of user actions such as clicks and video engagement, providing influencers and’s team with actionable insights for optimizing content and strategies.

The implementation significantly improved data accessibility and usability, allowing influencers to maximize earnings and refine their content approaches effectively. leveraged these insights to enhance platform functionality and user engagement, establishing a robust, data-driven business model that supports continuous growth and community support.


Michael helped us migrate our 4 websites from Universal Analytics to GA4, including removal of the old UA tags, audit/cleanup of GTM, set us up with reporting/dashboards and provided training. Highly recommended!


We contacted Michael to help resolve a complex tracking situation for a client using GTM. His knowledge and guidance was exactly what we needed. I will definitely be in contact again with him for future projects.


Mike has been contracted with our team at Compassion Canada for the last several months, and has been such an asset to our team. He is professional, very skilled, and his insights have brought our team to another level.

Mike skillfully guided us through the migration from Universal Analytics to GA4, but he has also helped us with a number of projects including a very insightful audit of our Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics Accounts, setting up tags in GTM in alignment with Cookie Consent settings, and continues to provide insights and training to level up our internal team. Thank you so much Mike, we are so blessed to have you as part of the team.


Mike is a pleasure to work with and has such a deep source of knowledge which we’ve tapped into at iamota, both to educate our internal team and to recommend to our clients. Leveraging Mike’s understanding of how businesses can use their data as a tool to build your brand, track online behaviours and better understand audiences has been incredibly valuable.

Mike always goes above and beyond to provide support and guidance, and I would recommend him to any business (or agency) looking for support with data analytics and more!


Michael’s helped me with SEO, GA4 and Google Ads over the past three years. It’s been a great experience. I’ve also referred customers to him and they’ve all had positive things to say.

Michael’s always very proactive, and very fair with billing. This is helpful since my team is quite small and we don’t have a ton of marketing resources.

I recommend Michael to anyone looking for top-notch digital marketing services.


Mike was our consultant to help with innovating new digital marketing strategies. He has also trained me to use Google Tag Manager and Google Adwords at an advanced level.

Mike goes beyond what we request to give us the best recommendation possible. He is extremely passionate about digital marketing and is a pleasure to work with! Thanks for all your help!


Had a consultation call with Michael to clarify a few questions about GA4 and tracking conversions better on our website. he was super helpful with his responses, and helped us validate a lot of things we’re doing, as well as improving processes in few aspects.

He also took the time to get back with a detailed email, explaining all questions I had in mind, as well as giving possible solutions with pros and cons.

Definitely recommend for anyone making the transition to GA4 and/or looking to improve the way they track their conversions


I had the pleasure of collaborating with Mike at Corporate Finance Institute, where his expertise proved invaluable in enhancing our paid media strategies and reporting capabilities.

Mike demonstrated an impressive blend of technical proficiency and adept communication skills, effortlessly translating complex technical concepts into easily understandable terms. He provided clear explanations on how each API of major paid media platforms operates, and the optimal methods for extracting data to facilitate easy report creation in Tableau.

Without Mikes guidance, achieving similar results would have undoubtedly taken us three times longer. Mike’s clear instructions and insights empowered our team to make the most of our data.

I confidently recommend Mike to any organization seeking to elevate their analytics and reporting capabilities

My Process for Onboarding New Google Tag Manager Clients and Understanding Their Business

When I onboard new Google Tag Manager clients, my approach is customized to address their unique needs, whether it’s an audit of their current setup or the implementation of an advanced tracking plan for a new app or website. Here’s how it works:

  1. Initial Consultation: I start with a focused consultation call where we discuss your specific needs, such as auditing your existing Google Tag Manager setup or developing a comprehensive tracking plan. This conversation is essential to understand your business, its challenges, and your goals, ensuring we target the most critical areas for improvement.
  2. Comprehensive Account Audit: For clients seeking an audit, I conduct a thorough review of your current Google Tag Manager setup. This allows me to evaluate performance, identify gaps, and ensure your tracking is aligned with your business objectives. If you require a new setup or advanced tracking plan, I’ll assess your requirements and provide a detailed roadmap.
  3. Agreement and Kickoff: Once we’ve discussed and agreed on the proposed solutions, we’ll finalize our partnership with a signed contract and agree on a start date. This step ensures that expectations are clear, and we are fully aligned on the next steps.
  4. Execution Plan: After formalizing our agreement, I’ll present a detailed execution plan, tailored to your specific needs, whether it’s optimizing your current setup or rolling out a new tracking strategy. I’ll then begin implementing the necessary changes, ensuring your Google Tag Manager is configured to deliver the insights and data crucial for your business success.

Google Tag Manager Consultancy FAQ

How can your consultancy help with Google Tag Manager?

I offer a full range of services, from initial GTM setup and configuration to advanced tracking solutions tailored to your specific business needs. This includes setting up standard tracking like page views and conversions, implementing custom tags, creating data layers for complex tracking, and integrating GTM with other platforms like Google Analytics 4 (GA4), BigQuery, and Tableau.

What kinds of tracking can you implement with Google Tag Manager?

I can implement a wide variety of tracking solutions, including but not limited to:

  • Basic page view and event tracking
  • Ecommerce tracking (e.g., product views, add-to-cart, transactions)
  • Custom event tracking (e.g., video plays, form submissions, button clicks)
  • User engagement tracking (e.g., scroll depth, time on page)
  • Conversion tracking for marketing platforms (e.g., Google Ads, Facebook Ads)
  • Vendor-specific data tracking and special user engagement metrics
Can you integrate Google Tag Manager with my existing analytics tools?

Absolutely. I specialize in integrating GTM with Google Analytics (including GA4), as well as other tools like BigQuery, Tableau, and CRM systems. This ensures that all your data flows seamlessly across platforms, enabling comprehensive reporting and analysis.

How do you ensure data accuracy and reliability in tracking?

I follow a rigorous process of testing and validating all tags and tracking setups before deploying them live. This includes using GTM’s built-in preview and debug mode, as well as custom scripts and tools to verify that data is collected accurately and consistently.

Do I need to involve my development team to implement GTM?

While having your development team involved can be beneficial, my services are designed to minimize the need for their direct involvement. I handle the technical aspects of setting up and managing GTM, allowing your team to focus on other priorities. However, for more complex implementations, some collaboration with your development team may be necessary.

How do I get started with your Google Tag Manager services?

Simply reach out to me through the contact form or give me a call. I can start with a consultation to understand your specific needs and goals, and then we’ll create a tailored plan to implement and optimize your GTM setup.

What if I already have Google Tag Manager set up?

If you already have GTM in place, I can perform an audit to ensure that your setup is optimized and collecting the right data. I can also enhance your existing setup with additional tracking capabilities, advanced reporting integrations, and ongoing support to keep your tracking aligned with your business objectives.

Google Tag Manager Consulting Prices and Payment Structures

What are your pricing options?

I offer flexible pricing models to accommodate different client needs, including:

  • Monthly Retainer: Ideal for ongoing management and optimization of your Google Tag Manager account.
  • Project Fee: Suitable for specific, one-time projects such as campaign setup, audits, or short-term initiatives.
  • Hourly Rate: Best for clients who need ad-hoc support, consulting, or training on an as-needed basis.
How is the monthly retainer structured?

The monthly retainer is a flat fee that covers a set scope of work each month. This includes campaign management, optimization, reporting, and regular communication. The retainer ensures consistent, ongoing support to keep your campaigns performing at their best.

How do you handle billing and payments?

Billing is typically done at the beginning of each month for retainers or after the completion of a project or hourly work. I provide detailed invoices outlining the work completed and the associated costs. Payments can be made via bank transfer or cheque.

Are there any additional costs I should be aware of?

My fees cover my services only. Any additional costs, such as data warehousing costs, third-party tools, or software subscriptions, are billed separately. I’ll always inform you of any potential extra costs before incurring them.

Do you offer discounts for long-term contracts or high-volume work?

Yes, I’m open to discussing discounts for long-term contracts or projects that involve a significant volume of work. This can be negotiated during the initial consultation based on the scope and duration of the engagement.

How do you ensure value for the investment?

I’m committed to delivering measurable results and providing transparent reporting on performance. My goal is to ensure that every dollar you invest in Google Tag Manager drives meaningful business outcomes, whether it’s increasing sales, reporting, or enhancing business outcomes.

What happens if I need to pause or cancel the service?

If you need to pause or cancel the service, I require 30 days notice for monthly retainers. This allows me to wrap up any ongoing work and provide a smooth transition. Project fees and hourly work are typically non-refundable once the work has commenced, but I’m always open to discussing specific circumstances.

Analyze, Optimize, Visualize

I offer four core services, each backed by expert-level proficiency and 15+ years of experience:

By integrating these skill sets, I provide a data-driven, process-oriented approach that drives growth and efficiency for businesses. My deep understanding of these tools allows me to deliver clear insights into what’s working and why, ensuring your business achieves optimal results.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Call Today

During our 30-minute consultation, we’ll explore your goals, tackle your challenges, and discuss the outcomes you desire. To book your strategy session, simply click the button below to view my available times and choose a slot that works best for you.

This free consultation provides a perfect opportunity for you to share details about your project, and for me to explain how we can collaborate effectively to achieve your goals.